Thursday, July 16, 2015

Roller Coaster Week

Thursday July 16th.

What a week it has been, and its only Thursday.  Mike and I got the plague...ok only the stomach flu, but it felt like the plague.  We were down Monday and Tuesday with barely enough energy to care for ourselves much less Evan.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to not hold and touch my baby.  For the sake of Evan we kept our distance but it wasn't easy.  Evan we extremely cranky the last week so you can imagine how thrilled we were to deal with a cranky baby while sick and sleep deprived.  To our surprise, Evan must have sensed how we felt and decided to give us a break.  He entertained himself more in the evening.  And dare I jinx it, he slept 7 hours in a row Monday night and 8 hours in a row Tuesday night!!!!  Too bad his bedtime is 2 hours before ours, but I'll take it.  In return he gots lots and lots of hugs and snuggles tonight.  Plus a bath!!   

Mike and are about 90% better so we'll see how he does tonight.  

Happy Friday!

Update: Friday morning.
Just as I suspected, it was too good to be true.  Last night Evan woke up at 11:45, 1:30 and then basically never went to sleep.  Its going to be a very very very long day.

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