Tuesday, July 21, 2015

2 months Old

2 months old
July 5, 2015

Better late than never...not sure how I forgot to post these photos!


Smiles :)

Evan has been smiling a lot more lately.  Its nice to see him relax and enjoy life.  He'll smile if I'm playful with him and smile at him.  He loves this noisy cloth Carole gave him.  He's starting to enjoy tummy time and practicing sitting up in the bumbo.  I can't help but smile and even tear up when I think of how much of a personality he has compared to 11 weeks ago.  I know he will continue to amaze me for the next 18 years, but since I'm still a new mom so everything is exciting to me!

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Roller Coaster Week

Thursday July 16th.

What a week it has been, and its only Thursday.  Mike and I got the plague...ok only the stomach flu, but it felt like the plague.  We were down Monday and Tuesday with barely enough energy to care for ourselves much less Evan.  I didn't realize how hard it would be to not hold and touch my baby.  For the sake of Evan we kept our distance but it wasn't easy.  Evan we extremely cranky the last week so you can imagine how thrilled we were to deal with a cranky baby while sick and sleep deprived.  To our surprise, Evan must have sensed how we felt and decided to give us a break.  He entertained himself more in the evening.  And dare I jinx it, he slept 7 hours in a row Monday night and 8 hours in a row Tuesday night!!!!  Too bad his bedtime is 2 hours before ours, but I'll take it.  In return he gots lots and lots of hugs and snuggles tonight.  Plus a bath!!   

Mike and are about 90% better so we'll see how he does tonight.  

Happy Friday!

Update: Friday morning.
Just as I suspected, it was too good to be true.  Last night Evan woke up at 11:45, 1:30 and then basically never went to sleep.  Its going to be a very very very long day.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Day Care

First Day of Day Care

Which means goodbye maternity leave, hello stress.


  Several months ago Mike and I bought plane tickets to Seattle for the 4th of July.  We decided it would be a great time to visit the Duffs...iffffff we could handle traveling with an infant.  Thanks to Southwest's friendly return/change policy, we kept our fingers crossed, bought the airfare, and said it would be a last minute decision if we actually went.  Nothing like a little vacation to finish off my maternity leave.  So Tuesday night we took off to Seattle on the 9pm flight.  Evan did great sleeping the entire trip!  Too bad Mike and I didn't. 

The girls made sure Evan always had his pacifier.

 The girls took great care of Evan. 
the locks

Pike Place Market

Evan's first bus ride

view of Mount Rainier from my parents rooftop

splash park - we need these in Dallas.
view from the plane on our way out of seattle.

Evan also slept most of the flight home.  I would call that success.  We are now 4/4 on flights without any crying/screaming.  Maybe would should quit now while we are ahead.  yeah right, me not travel?


June 25 - 28

Those of you who know me well know I like a good challenge.  Like taking an 8 week old on his first plane ride, by yourself.  Yup, I did that.  Evan and I packed ourselves up and flew to Chicago for a long weekend.  Traveling three ring circus all in a stroller.  I loaded the stroller with the diaper bag full to the brim, the baby bjorn, and Evan - plus the duffle that I had packed with our clothes.  What a sight to see as I tried to maneuver through the airport.

Waiting for our 6am flight, yes i'm crazy!
On the plane ready to go.  Evan slept the entire flight!  I had to wake him when we got to baggage claim. 
 Since we flew into Midway we decided to spend the day downtown before heading to Mount Prospect to see Gramps.  First stop was my old office to see Vinnie and Tom.
Being a tourist (which is true now that we live in Dallas)

 Jason was nice enough to take the day off work and spend it with us. 
 Maggie Daley park.  I can't wait to take Evan back to the slides.  This place was amazing.

 Couldn't make a trip home without a stop at Continental Bakery

 This is how we nap grandparent style
 shhhhh don't tell Noni

Pool Party

Pool Party
June 21, 2015

Evan's first pool party.  He lasted a whole 5 minutes in the float.  We didn't have high expectations, especially since we had to hold him the whole time since he can't sit up on his own.  We are trying to introduce him to water any way we can so he will like it when it comes time for real swim lessons.

Fathers Day

Fathers Day
June 21, 2015