Sunday, October 25, 2015

The Kutas Come to Visit!

The Kutas Visit
All the Kutas came to visit us this month

My cowboys

Hanging on tight to his bottle even though he is asleep

Ben & Torrey's Wedding

Ben and Torrey's Wedding
Denver, Colorado

Evan is well on his way to being a world traveler.  In the 5 months he's been with us, he's been to Chicago, Seattle, Baltimore and Denver.  Next trip is a week in Chicago for Christmas.  After that, who knows, so many options.

 Killing some time at Yard House before the wedding

Introducing Evan to cooler weather and how to keep warm and look good at the same time.

Evan wore his collared dress shirt and blue sweater vest.  Stylin!

Just chilling at the airport waiting for our flight

5 months

5 Months!

Friday, October 23, 2015


SEPTEMBER 13 - 30th

Evan must have some interesting dreams...

This video doesn't do justice for Evan's excitement for food

It finally cooled down so we bought a pool for Evan.  Here we are trying it out.  Mild success.  No tantrums but not too many smiles either.

How many body parts fit in my mouth...

happy happy happy


We turned Evan's pack n play into a ball pit

Having fun at the doctors office